Tuesday, August 13, 2013

DIY Wreath

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I have a love for color and my second love in decorating is texture.  Put both of those together and "boom!", watch out world!  The inside of my house is a plethora of bright colors combined with fun textures.  Mostly you'll find a lot of texture on my furniture surfaces I've refinished, because I love the raw exposed flaws in woods and paints.  You might also see a lot of texture in my paintings, because again, I love the feeling and look of a beautiful orange, aqua or red over a textured subject.  So lately I've been trying to incorporate more texture to my decor that are plants, twigs & florals.  I decided to make a wreath and I thought I'd share just how easy it is to do it:

 What you'll need: 

           -2 bouquets of floral of your choice, or 10 larger sized stems 
         -14" grapevine wreath

First, cut each flower off of the stem leaving a few inches of length. 

Next, push each flower through the grape wreath, through the vines positioning each flower where you'd like them to go.  *Don't use the hot glue gun just yet, make sure you have them positioned the way you want it first!

I positioned my flowers fairly close to each other, almost overlapping the other because I wanted a fuller effect.   

Once you've got all of the flowers pushed through and positioned where you want them, go ahead and start gluing the flowers to the wreath.  I glued the back of the flower at the base, just above the stem and pressed on each flower about 8-10 seconds to make sure it was secure.  If it still feels loose, pull up the ends of the petals and glue the backs down where they won't be seen.  

Once you've got them all secure, I trimmed the stems on the back that were sticking out.  I also glued 4 small felt pads to 4 corners of the wreath to help with scratching the back of the door.  

That's it!  You're done!  I'm so happy with the way it turned out.  I think I'll make more now...